
Home / Shipping


Radioactive Material

Shipments containing radioactive material must have prior approval and must be shipped to the University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus Office for Radionuclide Distribution (CORD). Packages sent without prior approval or sent directly to the UWMRRC will be immediately returned. Please contact Wendy Kennan by phone, 608/265-9748, or email ( with questions regarding radioactive materials shipments.

Hazardous Materials (Hazmat)

Pressurized well chambers and survey meters are considered hazardous materials and require special packaging, labeling, and documentation.

HAZMAT-rated equipment received by the lab in non-compliant shipping containers will be charged $75 to cover the higher cost of providing HAZMAT-approved transport packaging and processing.

Please contact Wendy Kennan or John Diehl by phone (WSK: 608/265-9748, JD: 608/263-4355) or email (WSK:, JD: for Hazmat shipping information.

Other Shipping Considerations

kVp and Survey Meters

Remove battery holders and pack separately to help prevent damage to the instrument.

Damaged Instruments

Instruments are inspected upon arrival for damage. You will be contacted immediately by phone if you equipment arrives damaged.

NOTE: Inadequate or previously used shipping packaging material will void any damage claim against the delivery service. New packaging is used for all equipment shipped from the UWMRRC.

Please contact John Diehl by phone (608/263-4355) or email ( for general shipping assistance.


  1. Include a completed and signed Calibration Order Form (CLICK HERE)*
  2. Place each instrument in a plastic bag or wrap in plastic.
  3. Carefully pack instruments and required accessories in a suitable new shipping container as follows:
    1. Wrap each bagged instrument with bubble pack or equivalent packing material
    2. Place instrument in the center of the shipping container and pad it with a minimum of 3 inches of packing material. Recommended packing materials include foam, urethane, or other dense material. Loose fill material alone does not provide adequate protection and increases the likelihood of crushing damage
    3. Secure and enclose required accessories such as buildup caps or brachytherapy source holders.
    4. DO NOT send standard A/C power cords, A/C power adapters, triaxial extension cables, or instrument manuals.
  4. Secure the box top and bottom with filament strapping tape.
  5. Seal all box seams with plastic tape to prevent moisture damage.
  6. Cover address labels with clear tape.
  7. Ship instruments to arrive during weekday business hours only.

**The UWMRRC will not accept shipments sent collect.**

Ship package via trackable service to:



MADISON WI 53705-2275

*NOTE: Adobe Acrobat version 5.0 or higher is required to use these forms. CLICK HERE to get the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader