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Graduate Education

UWMRRC graduate students are enrolled in the Medical Physics Department within the School of Medicine and Public Health. All graduate students are funded through  UWRCL calibration service fees and industry-supported research contracts. The research focus is ionizing radiation metrology relevant to radiation therapy physics. For general questions about applying for graduate studies in medical physics, please visit the Department of Medical Physics Admissions page. Please browse our CURRENT RESEARCH projects to see the breadth and scope of our research program. Contact the students via e-mail if you have any questions.

Continuing Education at the UWMRRC

The American Board of Radiology (ABR) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program was implemented as an integral part of the healthcare quality movement. ABR-certified Medical Physicists are automatically enrolled in ABR-MOC and are evaluated for compentency in four parts: 1. evidence of professional standing; 2. lifelong learning and self-assessment; 3. cognitive expertise; and 4. practice quality improvement.

The Continuing Education (CE) program of the UWMRRC was developed to further Medical Physicists’ education and obtain the 75 CE credits required for MOC. Courses offered by the UWMRRC are CAMPEP-accredited and are offered multiple times throughout the year.