Electrometer Repair

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UWADCL Service Charges for Non-functional Electrometers

In order to provide prompt and efficient service, minor repairs or battery replacement may be necessary to calibrate your electrometer.  Examples of minor repairs include replacement of broken knobs, switches or connectors. More extensive repairs require sending the electrometer to the manufacturer or a qualified repair facility. UWADCL charges for repairs or battery replacement will not exceed $500 without prior approval.  These charges are typically added to the calibration cost. By checking the appropriate box on the order form or reminder letter, the customer formally authorizes the UWADCL to perform and bill for minor repairs or battery replacement.

Please use the check box or comment section on your UWADCL order form or reminder letter to inform us how to resolve failing battery issues. By doing this you are authorizing the UWADCL to perform and bill for minor repairs or battery replacement. Unless instructed otherwise, non-functional batteries which are required for operation are replaced and appropriate charges are added to the calibration invoice. User-replaceable, non-functional batteries that are not required for operation are removed from the instrument and not replaced.

Electrometers listed below operate without the low voltage battery. If you own one of these electrometers and always plug it into a wall outlet, we recommend battery removal without replacement.





1, 11B, 33, 1100, 1150, MK602

CNMC models require 15V, 0.8A power adapter for operation without battery.


Dose 1*


614, MK614, 35614, 35614E, 35614EBS, MK35614




Unidos*, Unidos E*, Webline*

Standard Imaging

CDX2000B, Premier3000, MAX4000, MAX4000PLUS*




Dose 1*

Disclaimer:The UWADCL shall not be held liable for voiding any manufacturer's warranty by performing minor repairs or battery replacement.

*User Replaceable Batteries

Some high voltage batteries have been discontinued by the manufacturer. The UWADCL has a small number of discontinued batteries and will install them while stock remains. We strongly recommend replacing high voltage batteries with the electronic bias supply (EBS) from a service provider such as CNMC Corporation. Http://www.cnmcco.com/services/html