Scope of Accreditation

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UWAccredited Dosimetry Calibration Laboratory (UWADCL)

The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPMaccredits the ADCL for the calibration of diagnostic and therapy radiation measurement instrumentation and radioactive sources. The ADCL provides the highest quality and most comprehensive calibration service in the industry.

UW Radiation Calibration Lab (UWRCL)

The UWRCL specializes in providing services not available under the AAPM UWADCL scope. UWRCL services are accredited by A2LA, in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

UWRCL Accreditation


Radiation Monitoring by Mail (RMM)

The RMM service offers provides beam measurement using Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLDs) for therapy patient monitoring. Measurements can be made on patient or on phantom, with calibrated TLDs mailed from the RCL. In addition, mammographic, general diagnostic, and CT exposure measurements using TLDs. The RCL also provides a Radiochromic Film service that is used to measure the 3-dimensional radiation field center / mechanical center coincidence as well as provide information on radiation contours and dose profiles for the Gamma Knife and other similar devices. RMM services are accredited by A2LA, in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025.

UWADCL Scope of Accreditation

The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) accredits the UWADCL for the calibration of diagnostic and therapy radiation measurement instrumentation and radioactive sources. The UWADCL provides the highest quality and most comprehensive calibration service in the industry. The UWADCL is also accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) to the international standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

Parameter / Equipment


Best Uncertainty* (±)

Technique or Reference Standard

Therapy Class Ionization Chambers

NIST calibrated 137Cs brachytherapy sources; reference class ionization chambers calibrated against NIST calibrated sources for short-lived isotopes such as 192MIr, 125I, 131Cs, and 103Pd.

NIST traceable air kerma rate for Electronic Brachytherapy Sources.

60Co Air Kerma

Up to 150 cGY/min


60Co Dose to Water

Up to 150 cGy/min


137Cs Air Kerma

Up to 20 cGy/min



20-250 kVp


Diagnostic Class Ionization Chambers


Tungsten Anode

20-250 kVp


Molybdenum Anode

23-35 kVp


Health Physics/Radiation Protection Ionization Chambers

60Co Air Kerma

Up to 150 cGy/min


137Cs Air Kerma

Up to 150 cGy/min



20-250 kVp


Well-type Ionization Chambers(1U=1µGym2/hr)

HDR 192Ir

Up to 50 kU


LDR 137Cs, 131Cs, 125I, 103Pd, 192Ir

Up to 500U


Electronic Brachytherapy Sources

Up to 5 mGy/sec


Well-type Intravascular Ionization Chambers

90Sr Absorbed Dose

Up to 200 mGy/s


NIST traceable activity and absorbed dose to water source calibrations

Radioactive Brachytherapy Sources

LDR137Cs, 131Cs, 125I, 103Pd, 192Ir

Up to 500U


NIST calibrated 137Cs and 90Sr brachytherapy sources, reference class well-type ionization chambers calibrated against NIST calibrated sources for short-lived isotopes such as 192Ir, 125I, 131Cs, and 103Pd


Charge (25pC - 10µc)


NIST traceable (A2LA accredited) capacitor calibration, voltage (through calibrated DMM), and period / time (through calibrated universal counters).

Current (1pA - 1000 nA)


* Best Uncertainties represent expanded uncertainties using a coverage factor of k=2 which provides a level of confidence of approximately 95%.

** The UWMRRC has the capability to perform minor repairs or battery replacement for non-functioning electrometers. Please CLICK HERE for more details.